If you’re interested in email distribution to the NFDA network, this is the opportunity for you! Be a part of a variety of education and event messages sent throughout the year to more than 17,500 funeral service professionals (members and non-members).
Interested in targeting members only? Place your ads in the NFDA Bulletin. More than 13,500 members look forward to this weekly email news bulletin for the latest funeral service information.
Ad Specs:
- 275 pixels wide x 350 pixels high
- JPEG, PNG or GIF file type
- Max file size 90 KB
Email Ad Rates
- 1 Email - $250
- 3 Emails - $600
- 6 Emails - $900
- 12 Emails - $1,800
Space is limited. Sold on a first-come, first served basis. Email dates and topics are subject to change.